CAM Products | Nou Braai Ons | Flat Pack BBQ | Custom Outdoor products | Vertical Spit

Flavours of the Rainbow: South African-Style Meat Shawarma on a Vertical Spit


  • 1 kilogram boneless meat (chicken, beef, or lamb), thinly sliced
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon ground coriander
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • Pita bread or flatbread
  • Toppings: sliced tomatoes, onions, lettuce, tzatziki sauce, hummus (optional)


  1. In a bowl, combine the olive oil, lemon juice, minced garlic, ground coriander, ground cumin, paprika, turmeric, ground cinnamon, salt, and black pepper. Mix well to create the marinade.
  2. Place the thinly sliced meat in the marinade and ensure each piece is coated. Let it marinate for at least 2 hours or overnight in the refrigerator for better flavor.
  3. Preheat your CAM Products stainless steel vertical spit. Make sure the skewer is securely in place.
  4. Thread the marinated meat onto the spit, ensuring it’s evenly distributed and tightly secured.
  5. Turn on the vertical spit and let it rotate at a moderate speed. The meat will slowly cook and develop a delicious crust.
  6. While the meat is cooking, you can prepare your toppings by slicing tomatoes, onions, and lettuce. You can also make tzatziki sauce and hummus if desired.
  7. Once the meat is cooked to your desired level of doneness (usually takes around 1-2 hours), carefully remove it from the vertical spit and let it rest for a few minutes.
  8. Slice the cooked meat thinly against the grain to ensure tenderness and optimal flavor.
  9. Warm the pita bread or flatbread in a pan or on a grill.
  10. Assemble your shawarma by placing the sliced meat inside the warmed pita bread or flatbread. Add your desired toppings such as sliced tomatoes, onions, lettuce, tzatziki sauce, and hummus.
  11. Roll up the bread tightly to enclose the filling and enjoy your delicious South African-style meat shawarma!

Note: Adjust the cooking time based on the thickness of the meat slices and your preferred level of doneness. Ensure the meat reaches a safe internal temperature before consumption.

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